I have spent a lot of time working with MDT and figuring out quite a bit of command switches in order to manipulate the deployment outcome. I listed them below. I will keep adding to this list, and if anyone has any that they do not see, please feel free to send it to me and I will make sure credit is given! Most of these are self-explanatory, but I have done my best to put them together in “categories” and given brief explanation to some.
Standard Switches:
- OSInstall=YES/NO
- SkipAdminPassword=YES/NO
- SkipApplications=YES/NO SkipAppsOnUpgrade=YES/NO
- SkipBDDWelcome=YES/NO
- SkipBitLocker=YES/NO
- SkipCapture=YES/NO
- SkipComputerName=YES/NO
- SkipComputerBackup=YES/NO
- SkipDeploymentType=YES/NO
- DeploymentType=NEWCOMPUTER
- SkipTaskSequence=YES/NO
- TaskSequenceID=TaskIDNumber
- SkipPackageDisplay=YES/NO
- SkipProductKey=YES/NO
- SkipSummary=YES/NO
- SkipFinalSummary=YES/NO
Domain Membership Switches:
- SkipDomainMembership=YES/NO
- JoinDomain=EnterDomainName
- DomainAdmin=Administrator
- DomainAdminDomain=Domain
- DomainAdminPassword=Pa$$w0rd
Language and Locale Switches:
- SkipTimeZone=YES/NO
- TimeZoneName=Eastern Standard Time
- SkipLocaleSelection=YES/NO
- KeyboardLocale=en-US
- UserLocale=en-US
- UILanguage=en-US
User Data Migration Switches:
- SkipUserData=YES/NO
- UserDataLocation=Auto Or UserDataLocation=NETWORK UDShare=\\ServerName\MigData$
- UDDir=%ComputerName%
Bitlocker Drive Encryption Switches:There is a little more to this than just adding the commands. As soon as I can, I will add those steps HERE!
- BDEDriveLetter=C:
- BDEDriveSize= 2000
- BDEInstall=TPM
- BDERecoveryKey=FALSE
- BDERecoveryPassword=FALSE
- BDERequired=YES
There will be more to come, and I will also be adding the custom switches for Hardware Type, Machine Make/Model and Architecture